The Berlin Historical Society’s Country Store features Berlin related items as well as local products. If you want to shop Berlin, come to the Museum, Saturday’s, 1-4 from April to December. Here are some of the products:
Berlin, East Berlin, and Kensington pottery is made exclusively for us by Westerwald Pottery in Pennsylvania. Prices vary.
How many times have you corrected someone saying Berlin incorrectly? You can remind them with your tote bag. A new, popular, heavy duty bag, it sells for $20. Colors are red and blue.
Another new tote bag features a specially designed Peddler Wagon. Designed and painted by member Janice Jacobs, you can remind all that Berlin is the Home of the Yankee Peddler. $20
“See Berlin CT through the eyes of a Writer”: books, pamphlets, and DVD’s all by local authors. You can get Catharine North’s History of Berlin Connecticut, Willard Wallace’s bicentennial book An Historical Sketch of Berlin Connecticut, Field Music: From Antietam to Andersonville, the Civil War letters of Berlin resident Lyman Wilcox, and many other smaller writings. Prices vary.
Many other products are available. We will be focusing on Berlin, Connecticut, and USA made products. Come in and see our wares!