The Berlin Historical Society Museum Exhibits & Collections relate to the rich 330+ town history, featuring industry, agriculture, buildings, residents, politics and more.
The Museum has both permanent and annually created exhibits. Many of its over 3,000 artifact collection are on display. Visit us, Saturdays 1-4, April through December, at 305 Main Street, Kensington, CT or call for an appointment at 860-828-5114.
In our Museum Exhibits & Collections you will see and learn about:
- The tin industry was started in Berlin in the 1740’s by William and Edward Pattison. They later became the first Yankee
Peddlers; - Simeon North, first official pistol maker of the United States Government, made over 50,000 pistols in Berlin for the army and navy;
- The infamous Leatherman made his way to Berlin every 34 days on his 365 mile loop through New York and Connecticut;
- Cheney Clocks, the Berlin Wide Awake organization, Berlin artist paintings, needlework, and much more…

Tin: Berlin was settled in 1686. For many decades it was primarily an agricultural town. This changed in the 1740’s with the arrival of William and Edward Pattison. They not only founded the tin industry in the United States, they also became the first Yankee Peddlers. Come to the Museum...
The earliest Berlin settlers farmed the rich lands of the Great Swamp (Christian Lane area). That trend continued with over 120 dairy and truck farms having operated in town over the years. The first alfalfa farm was in Berlin. Charles Jarvis’s Maple Farm 1911 Over 45 dairy farms existed...
Buildings of Berlin
Berlin boasts many historic buildings in all areas of town. The nationally registered Berlin Historic District (Worthington Ridge) hosts many, most with stories of Berlin’s past including a documented visit from George Washington to the Fuller Tavern. You can take a self-guided tour of the Ridge with a pamphlet entitled...
Berlin has had many residents that have shaped its history. You’ve met some of the industrialists. Meet some others: Noted artists N. A. Moore and Robert Bolling Brandegee. Some of their art and photographs hang at the Museum. Authors Peter Parley (Samuel Goodrich) wrote a selection of children’s books and...
One of the most unusual artifacts in the Museum is the Wide Awake Lantern. The Wide Awakes was a Republican political organization during the 1860 presidential election. Berlin had a chapter and this lantern was carried in a rally in Hartford after the election of Abraham Lincoln. Wide Awake Lantern
Collection Donations
So many of our current and past Berlin residents donate their family treasures to us. Much of the Society’s collection has been donated. We are grateful for these donations; we display them proudly in our Museum, use the photographs in our slide shows and programs, leverage the diaries and letters...